Impact of Free Wi-Fi in Coffee Shops on Teenagers' Worship Practices: A Quantitative Study

Pengaruh Nongkrong Di Warung Kopi Free WIFI Terhadap Ketaatan Ibadah Remaja

  • (1) * Muhammad Jawwad Ikbar Rafid             Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo  

  • (2)  Dzulfikar Akbar Romadlon            Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo  

    (*) Corresponding Author


This quantitative research examines the influence of free Wi-Fi availability in coffee shops on teenagers' worship practices. Utilizing observation and questionnaires, the study finds that a substantial percentage of teenagers frequently use Wi-Fi for various tasks, social media access, and gaming. Interestingly, this frequent Wi-Fi usage is also associated with increased rates of prayer and fasting. Statistical analysis reveals a significant effect of free Wi-Fi in coffee shops on teenagers' observance of worship, with a p-value of 0.002 and the calculated f-value surpassing the critical f-table value. These findings highlight the potential impact of technology accessibility on religious behaviors within the community environment. 


  • Wi-Fi accessibility and Teenagers: Investigating the Influence in Coffee Shops.
  • Significant Impact of Free Wi-Fi on Teenagers' Worship Practices.
  • Observance of Worship in Coffee Shops: A Quantitative Analysis

Keywords: Free Wi-Fi, Coffee shops, Teenagers, Worship practices


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Picture in here are illustration from public domain image (License) or provided by the author, as part of their works
How to Cite
Rafid , M. J. I., & Romadlon, D. A. (2023). Impact of Free Wi-Fi in Coffee Shops on Teenagers’ Worship Practices: A Quantitative Study: Pengaruh Nongkrong Di Warung Kopi Free WIFI Terhadap Ketaatan Ibadah Remaja . Indonesian Journal of Education Methods Development, 18(3).
Islamic Education Method