Morocco's Webinars Ignite Global Academic Resilience in Doctoral Research

Webinar Maroko Memicu Ketahanan Akademik Global dalam Penelitian Doktoral

  • (1) * Bendaoud Nadif             PhD, English Department, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal, Morocco  

    (*) Corresponding Author


General Background: The COVID-19 pandemic triggered significant disruptions in education worldwide, compelling a shift to online learning across various contexts, including in Morocco. Specific Background: In response to this challenge, the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences at Mohammed V University in Rabat initiated the "Language, Culture, and Society" (LCS) webinar series. This program provided a virtual platform for doctoral students, aiming to sustain academic progress and emotional well-being during the crisis. Knowledge Gap: Despite the proliferation of online educational initiatives during the pandemic, there is limited research on how such programs specifically impact doctoral students' academic and psychological resilience. Aims: This article aims to explore the transformative role of the LCS webinar series in enhancing the academic journey and personal growth of doctoral students, particularly in alleviating challenges such as despair and reader's block. Results: The LCS webinars emerged as a crucial support mechanism, facilitating academic discourse, skill development, and psychological reinforcement. The program significantly contributed to restoring confidence, refining research trajectories, and fostering a culture of collaboration among an international online community. Novelty: This study provides a unique narrative reflection on the impact of a specific online educational program during a global crisis, emphasizing the dual academic and psychological support offered to doctoral students. Implications: The findings underscore the importance of online platforms in higher education, particularly in crisis contexts. The success of the LCS webinars suggests that similar initiatives could be replicated to support doctoral students globally, offering sustained academic and emotional support through accessible, high-quality online resources.



  1. Webinar Impact: Enhanced academic progress and growth.
  2. Psychological Support: Overcame despair with emotional reinforcement.
  3. Global Collaboration: Fostered international scholarly connections.


Keywords: COVID-19, online learning, doctoral students, webinars, academic resilience


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How to Cite
Nadif , B. (2024). Morocco’s Webinars Ignite Global Academic Resilience in Doctoral Research: Webinar Maroko Memicu Ketahanan Akademik Global dalam Penelitian Doktoral. Indonesian Journal of Education Methods Development, 19(3), 10.21070/ijemd.v19i3.837.