Motivation of Iraqi Non-English Majors in Learning English

Motivasi Mahasiswa Jurusan Non-Inggris di Irak dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris

  • (1) * Muna Abdualhussein            English Department, College of Education, Al-Farahidi University  

  • (2)  Hanan Abdul-Kareem Kadhim            English Department, College of Education, Al-Farahidi University  

  • (3)  Hind Fareed Jaber             English Department, College of Education, Al-Farahidi University  

    (*) Corresponding Author


This study examines the significance of motivation in English Language Teaching (ELT) among non-English majors at Al-Farahidi University in Iraq. While English courses are mandatory, effective communication remains a challenge. This research addresses the gap in understanding student-directed motivation, specifically in the Iraqi academic setting. Using a descriptive approach, a questionnaire was distributed to 50 third-year students at the College of Administration and Economics, assessing their attitudes and motivation towards learning English. The findings revealed high levels of motivation, with students recognizing the necessity of English for communication and career prospects, despite some perceiving it as complicated and irrelevant to their major. Statistically significant differences in motivation were observed based on age but not gender. The study suggests that aligning instructional approaches with students' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations can enhance engagement and improve English proficiency among non-English majors, contributing valuable insights to the discourse on motivation in language learning within the Iraqi higher education context.


  • High Motivation Level: Students recognize the necessity of English for communication and career prospects.
  • Age-Based Differences: Statistically significant differences in motivation were observed based on age.
  • Instructional Adaptation: Aligning teaching methods with intrinsic and extrinsic motivations can enhance student engagement and proficiency.

Keywords: Motivation, Non-English Majors, Extrinsic Motivations


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How to Cite
Abdualhussein, M., Kadhim, H. A.-K., & Jaber , H. F. (2024). Motivation of Iraqi Non-English Majors in Learning English: Motivasi Mahasiswa Jurusan Non-Inggris di Irak dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris. Indonesian Journal of Education Methods Development, 19(2), 10.21070/ijemd.v19i2.832.
Languange Education Method