Unleashing Academic Excellence through Self-Efficacy among New Global Scholars
Melepaskan Keunggulan Akademik melalui Efikasi Diri di antara Cendekiawan Global Baru
This study explores how self-efficacy influences academic self-adjustment among new students in the Faculty of Psychology and Education at the University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Using quantitative correlational research, we analyzed data from 354 students, with a sample size of 181 determined through the Krejcie-Morgan table. The self-efficacy and academic self-adjustment scales showed high reliability (Cronbach's alpha scores of 0.830 and 0.825, respectively). Results from simple linear regression indicated a positive relationship between self-efficacy and academic self-adjustment, with self-efficacy contributing significantly to 8.2% of the variance. This highlights the importance of bolstering self-efficacy beliefs to aid new students in their academic adaptation during the college transition, particularly in psychology and education faculties.
1. Self-efficacy influences new college students' academic adaptation.
2. Positive correlation between self-efficacy and academic self-adjustment.
3. Enhancing self-efficacy beliefs aids academic success in psychology and education.
Keywords: Self-efficacy, Academic self-adjustment, New college students, Psychology and Education, Quantitative correlational research
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