The Role Of Media Resources In Shaping The Educational Process Of Future Teachers
Peran Sumber Daya Media dalam Membentuk Proses Pendidikan Guru Masa Depan
After gaining independence, the country pays great attention to the training of qualified specialists. The training of highly qualified specialists is directly related to the strengthening of the material, technical and information base of educational institutions, the creation of high-quality textbooks, teaching aids, electronic textbooks and lecture notes, and the creation of electronic libraries. Wide access to modern knowledge, effective use of new information technologies in improving the education system has become a requirement of today.
Djurayeva B.A. Uzluksiz taʼlim tizimida boʼlajak tabiiy fanlar oʼqituvchilarining axborot texnologiyalari bilan ishlash koʼnikmasini rivojlantirish metodikasi// Scientific and methodological journal of additional education.- 2021.-113-117 p.
Djurayeva B.A. Bo`lajak o`qituvchilarni xalq pedagogikasida vatanparvarlikka tarbiyalashning asosiy omillari// MATERIALS OF THE REPUBLICAN SCIENTIFIC AND THEORETICAL CONFERENCE "Traditions of Patriotic Education of Students in Folk Pedagogy", dedicated to 2021 "Year of Youth Support and Public Health Promotion" - P. 19-23.
Djurayeva B.A. Pedagogika oliy ta`lim muassasalari talabalarini, sharq mutafakkirlarining vatanparvarlik g`oyalari asosida vatanparvarlik ruhida tarbiyalash// MATERIALS OF THE REPUBLICAN SCIENTIFIC AND THEORETICAL CONFERENCE "Traditions of Patriotic Education of Students in Folk Pedagogy", dedicated to 2021 "Year of Youth Support and Public Health Promotion" - P. 232-234.
Djurayeva B.A. Factors of mediya skills development of future teachers working with information technology//«Proceeding of International Conferense on Scientific Endeavors and opportunitles» Hosted from Telavi, Geotgia on 17th-18th March, 2021. 70-73 p.
Djurayeva B.A. O`quv jarayonida mediata’limdan foydalanish usullari//“DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OF INNOVATIVE ECONOMY IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR” International scientific –practical conference on March 25-26, 2021. 551-554 p.
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Djurayeva B.A. Bo`lajak tabiiy fanlar o`qituvchilarining axborot texnologiyalari bilan ishlash ko`nikmalarini rivojlantirish omillari // Syrdarya regional center for retraining and advanced training of public education workers. The role of professional competencies of teachers in improving the effectiveness of online education: problems and solutions. International scientific and practical remote online conference. Gulistan April 7-8, 2021.337-340 p.
Djurayeva B.A. Bo`lajak tabiiy fanlar o`qituvchilarining axborot texnologiyalari bilan ishlash ko`nikmalarini rivojlantirishda innovatsion va pedagogik ta`lim texnologiyalarining o`rni// Uzbek Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences named after T.N. Corey Niazi. MATERIALS of the Republican scientific-practical conference "Modern methods of teaching exact and natural sciences: problems and solutions" April 26, 2021: - Tashkent. 59-61 p.
Djurayeva B.A. Methods of improving the distance distance education of future nature teachers on the basis of innovative educational technologies// International scientificand and practice conference on “International experience in increasing the effectiveness of distance education: problemes and solutions”. May-iyun 2021 yil.:- Sirdaryo. 59-62 p.
Djurayeva B.A. Bo`lajak tabiiy fanlar o`qituvchilarining axborot texnologiyalari bilan ishlash ko`nikmasini rivojlantirishning metodologik jihatlari// "SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC EDUCATION" of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.- T.: 2021. 116-119 p.
Djurayeva B.A. (Pisa, pirls, timss, talis) ta`limda xalqaro baholash dasturlarining ta`lim sifatini yanada oshirishda bo`lajak tabiiy fan o`qituvchilarining mediakompetentligini rivojlantirishning mohiyati va mazmuni// ZU DEN MATERIALIEN DER I INTERNATIONALEN WISSENSCHAFTLICH-PRAKTISCHEN KONFERENZ «GRUNDLAGEN DER MODERNEN WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN FORSCHUNG» 10. SEPTEMBER 2021 • ZÜRICH, SCHWEIZ Vinnytsia, Ukraine «Yevropeiska naukova platforma» 2021. 173-176 b. DOI:
Djurayeva B.A. Zаmonаviy oilаdа yoshlаrni milliy vа umuminsoniy qаdriyatlаrni shаkllаntirishdа mediаmаdаniyatining o`rni// "SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC EDUCATION" of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.- T.: 2021. 116-119 p.
Djurayeva B.A. Sharq mutafakkirlarining o‘z ilmiy meroslarida oila va oilada farzand tarbiyasi masalalariga qarashlari// Uzbek Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences named after T.N. Corey Niazi. “MATERIALS of the Republican scientific and practical conference on socio-pedagogical technologies for stabilizing mother-child relations in the family, October 25, 2021: - Tashkent. 41-44 p.
Djurayeva B.A. Bo`lajak tabiiy fanlar o`qituvchilarining axborot texnologiyalari bilan ishlash mediakompetentligini rivojlantirishda raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanishining innovatsion uslublari// Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent region Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to topical issues and achievements of mathematics, physics and digital technologies in modern education. November 4, 2021: Tashkent. 64-68 p.
Djurayeva B.A. Bo`lajak tabiiy fanlar o`qituvchilarining axborot texnologiyalari bilan ishlash ko`nikmasini rivojlantirish metodikasi pedagogic muammo sifatida// Tashkent State Pedagogical University. Scientific and theoretical journal of scientific information. 2021 - №10 25-31 p.
Djurayeva B.A. Bo`lajak tabiiy fanlar o`qituvchilarining axborot texnologiyalari bilan ishlash media ko`nikmasini rivojlantirish metodikasining xorijiy va mahalliy tajribalarining tahlili// MODERN EDUCATION. 021.12(109).:Tashkent.3-11 p.
Djurayeva B. A. Analysis of foreign and local experience of future teachers of Natural Sciences in the development of media skills in working with information technologies// GURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGS 2022 VOLUME-II ISSN-2764-3278 SJIF 2021: 5.714 DOI-10.37547 crjp. 47-55 p. DOI:
Djurayeva B. A. Ta`limda axborot texnologiyalari fanini o`qitishda mediakompetentlikning mohiyati, mazmuni va tuzilishi// Tashkent State Pedagogical University. Scientific-theoretical and methodical journal on pedagogy. 2022 - No. 1. 123-126 p.
Djurayeva B. A. Bo`lajak tabiiy fanlar o`qituvchilarining axborot texnologiyalari bilan ishlash media ko`nikmalarini rivojlantirishning pedagogik modeli// "SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC EDUCATION" of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.- T .: 2022 No. 2. p.
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