
This study investigates how students' reading habits impact their reading comprehension. Using a quantitative survey method with questionnaires and tests, data was collected and analyzed with SPSS. Results showed no significant correlation between students' reading habits and comprehension, suggesting other factors are at play. The study recommends schools implement dedicated literacy time to enhance critical thinking, vocabulary, and overall reading motivation, thereby improving comprehension.



  1. Examines reading habits' impact on comprehension.
  2. Uses quantitative research and surveys.
  3. Emphasizes dedicated literacy time.


Keywords: Reading habits, Reading comprehension, Quantitative research, Literacy time,Student motivation,


Reading is the process of extracting meaning from written or printed text. It involves decoding and comprehending the symbols and words to understand the message and information conveyed by the author. Reading also become a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in education, personal growth, and acquiring information. It is a gateway to exploring new worlds, understanding different perspectives, and expanding one's intellectual horizons, there are also one important thing within reading that is reading comprehension. Reading comprehension is the ability to understand and interpret the meaning of a text. It involves various skills, such as recognizing words, understanding sentence structure, making inferences, and connecting ideas within the text. Meanwhile reading habit involves regularly setting aside time to read for enjoyment or learning. It means making reading a consistent part of your routine, choosing materials that interest you, and finding personal satisfaction in the act of reading. By cultivating a reading habit, you can improve your reading skills, expand your knowledge, stimulate your imagination, and derive pleasure from the experience of reading. Developing a reading habit is important for reading comprehension because it allows you to practice regularly, expand your vocabulary, understand words in context, grasp the main idea, and make connections, all of which improve your ability to understand and make sense of what you read..

Fadlan et al. said English is one of the subjects that the government has instructed for Indonesian students from elementary school to university. Additionally, the national final exam included English as one of the courses that was tested. There are two language components, vocabulary and structure, and four skills in English: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Reading is one of the things that has become crucial to learning English [1]. Jatnika also said the one of the things that can raise the standard of living is reading. Aside from preventing ignorance and poverty, reading may also help us [2].

Quoted from Sartika Reading is one of the most popular methods for learning English since it helps readers expand their vocabulary and learn about other cultures [3]. Erya also said because the majority of scientific publications and journals are published in English, reading is a crucial ability to teach in a foreign language. Reading may be used to improve one's ability to read various types of reading material, such as novels, periodicals, and online comics (webtoons). Students learn the meaning of the information by reading when they comprehend the text [4]. According to Pustika, Indonesian students must acquire English in order to read literature that are relevant to their studies or careers. Since reading has become a daily activity and is one of the abilities that students learning English as a second language must learn [5]. Owusu also said that Reading is a crucial method for sharing knowledge, and it's also a habit that improves reading methods so that’s why reading is a must have for learner [6].

Taufiq claims that a society's growth is significantly influenced by its literacy culture. A person's self-development and performance will suffer from a poor reading level, which will also have a negative impact on the progress of the country. This is because the person's lack of reading interest prevents them from being able to understand and follow the growth of science and knowledge [7].

According to Siregar Reading can help students develop their speaking, listening, writing, structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary skills [8]. Reading is considered by Ali is one of the crucial and fundamental abilities of learning a language is reading. It serves a variety of purposes. But mastering reading comprehension takes a lot of practice and patience [9]. In Khoirun’s opinion reading is a challenging process of learning that demands students to have a strong cognition technique for understanding the structure, the title, and the main ideas of the book [10]. Inderjit said that Reading broadens students' awareness of the cultures of the English-speaking world in addition to increasing students' fluency, developing their grammar proficiency, and expanding their lexical resources [11].

Hamidah claims that the students may learn from the books they read. Understanding new information in the text and placing it in the appropriate context requires reading comprehension. The capacity to understand or grasp the material was described as reading comprehension [12]. Robertson also said that "The meaning of reading comprehension involving the language to be written is the process of extracting and constructing meaning via interaction," This shows how determining a meaning and developing it are crucial steps in reading comprehension [13].

Fatiloro et al. said that Reading behavior. The behavior that indicates a reader's preferences for particular reading genres and styles is referred to as a "reading habit." It is a method through which a person sets up his or her reading schedule [14].

Reading habits are crucial since they shape a reader's personality and enable them to think clearly and come up with original ideas. According to Chettri, a person's reading habits reveal their affinity for specific reading genres and styles. A person set up their reading in a way that suited them [15]. Quoted from Ellis, there are five levels of reading habit: very low, fairly low, medium, high, and very high. It is evaluated on a variety of factors, including how often people read, how much time they devote to reading, and how well they speak English [16]. Rahayuningsih also said that establishing reading as a regular habit can help students to comprehend English content clearly and fluently. Reading regularly can help students develop their reading analysis abilities and develop a habit of critical thought [17].

In line with Silitonga a person who has a reading habit is one who has developed the habit of reading frequently throughout their lives [18]. Mandarani said that to encourage a desire for reading, parents, students, and the school must work together in a synergistic way. A student's desire to read books will be cultivated by parents' motivation to encourage an interest in reading and by schools' providing suitable environments for doing so [19].

The indicator of reading habits is adapted from Sartika et al, and APC Sandewa as follows:

1 . Reading frequency

According to Sandewa, the volume and frequency of reading have a significant role in determining one's capacity to read others. Reading frequency refers to how frequently a person reads. This shows that reading activities are engaged in more frequently and widely the greater the level of skill and the simpler it is to grasp the reading's contents. A reading habit will develop as a result of the amount of reading. Students with good reading habits will also be more knowledgeable and experienced when compared to those who have bad reading habits [20].

2 . Type and number of reading book

Every reader has to read a variety of books in order to develop and become a well-rounded individual. The appropriate reading standards for a high school education come in the form of abilities. According to Sartika when it comes to educational standards, the emphasis on skills means that adults want teens to be independent and responsible. Also, high school students are allowed access to casual reading materials such as comic books, newspapers, magazines, and teen novels with strong religious and heroic themes [3].

The item test the researcher make the item test based on Bobbi et al he said in addition to teaching kids creative thinking techniques, teaching pupils critical thinking is one of the high-level talents that is highly significant. When exercising critical thinking, we exercise or include rigorous judgment or evaluation, such as determining whether a concept or product is feasible [21]. So the researcher make the item to make student analyze the narrative text and answer it correctly.

According to the above explanation, the researcher conducted a study on "The Correlation between Students’s Reading habits and Student’s reading comprehension." This study is adapted from [22] "The Effect of Reading Habit towards Students' Reading Comprehension at Private Senior High School in Purwakarta," with the level of the school and location being the main differences.

From the background study mentioned above, the researcher conducts a pre-observation and found that the students from class IX already learned about narrative text and can be used as a sample. The researchers make an effort to break down the issues based on indicator into a question. Does reading habit have an impact on students' ability to comprehend what they read? And this study hypothesis, reading habits have a considerable impact on students' reading comprehension. The purpose of the research is to determine how reading habits affect students' reading comprehension, therefore it is hoped that the results will prove to the reader how important reading habits are to reading comprehension.


This research method used quantitative research the method used is a survey research, this research is a research that uses questionnaire as a research instrument. Questionnaire is sheets that contain several questions with a structure that raw. In conducting the survey, the research conditions were not manipulated by researcher [23]. For this study the questionnaire is in the form of google form, it means that the researcher used google form to collect the data.

The effect of students' reading habits on their ability to comprehend what they read were the main focus of this study. It shows the presence of a single independent variable and a single dependent variable, with variable X (students' reading habits) acting as the first independent variable and variable Y (students' reading comprehension) acting as the dependent variable.

This research took place at Muhammadiyah Junior High School 10 Sidoarjo. The location is in Sungon Street No.1 Suko, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. This research conducted to grade IX. The sample of this research is 58 students from a whole class IX consisted Class A and Class B and carried in February 2023.

For this study, a cluster-simple random sampling method was utilized to acquire the sample, according to Dwi cluster-simple random sampling means that Each participant has an equal chance of getting chosen from the whole population. This implies that each person is chosen without regard to any other factor [24]. Which consisted of roughly 58 ninth-grade pupils. The researcher divides the information into two groups in order to gather it. Data consisting of Reading Comprehension Test for the dependent variable and Students' Reading Habits to examine this data, SPSS will be used. 58 ninth-grade students from Muhammadiyah Junior High School 10 get both a questionnaire and an objective test. Which are designated as samples. You may think of it like this:

Finding and Discussion

The data collected through the questionnaire and test. The researcher give it to 58 students from ninth-grade on March 30, 2023 in Muhammadiyah Junior High School 10 Sidoarjo the questionnaire consisted 10 items and for the test also consisted 10 items.

The researcher also analyzed the data using statistical and service solution program (SPSS) version 22 to know the highest score, lowest score, mean, and standard deviation of the score. The highest score for Students’ reading habits was 40 and for the lowest score was 11. The mean was 21.91 and for the standard deviation was 4.795, the writer contributed the score into the table:

NO Variables (X, and Y) Instrumen t Responden t
1 Students’ Reading Habit (X) Questionnaires Students
2 Reading Comprehension (Y) Test Students
Table 1.Research Design

1 . The Result of The Students’ Reading Comprehension

The student score of reading comprehension is collected from the test. The researcher give the test to 58 students from ninth-grade on March 30, 2023 in Muhammadiyah Junior High School 10 Sidoarjo. The total score of the test is 100 and beside that the researcher uses Pearson Product Moment Formula in statistical and SPSS version 22 to analyze the data and also to know the highest score, the lowest score, the mean and also the standard deviation. The highest students’ score was 92 and the lowest students’ score is 20 for the mean was 65.00 and for the standard deviation was 22.225. And the writer contribute the score into the table.

Score Category Frequency
31-40 Very High 2
21-30 High 32
11-20 Average 24
10 Low 0
Table 2.The Result of Students’ Reading Habits

Based on the table above it could be explained that there are 19 students on very high level and also 19 students on high level and for average there are 9 students meanwhile for low level there are 11 students.

2. Statistical data analysis

To determine the correlation between the independent variable (students' reading habits) and dependent variable (students' reading comprehension), the researcher utilized SPSS 22's Pearson product moment correlation coefficient analysis. The writer of this study calculated the correlation using SPSS 22. The table below displays the result of the calculation.

Score Category Frequency
81-100 Very High 19
61-80 High 19
41-60 Average 9
20-40 Low 11
Table 3.The Result of Students’ Reading Comprehension

Based on the table above it could be explained that there are 19 students on very high level and also 19 students on high level and for average there are 9 students meanwhile for low level there are 11 students.

To determine the correlation between the independent variable (students' reading habits) and dependent variable (students' reading comprehension), the researcher utilized SPSS 22's Pearson product moment correlation coefficient analysis. The writer of this study calculated the correlation using SPSS 22. The table below displays the result of the calculation.

Students' Reading Habit Students' Reading Comprehension
Students' Reading Habit Pearson Correlation 1 .082
Sig. (2-tailed) .541
Sum of Squares and Cross-products 1310.569 497.000
Covariance 22.992 8.719
N 58 58
Students' Reading Comprehension Pearson Correlation .082 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .541
Sum of Squares and Cross-products 497.000 28154.000
Covariance 8.719 493.930
N 58 58
Table 4.Correlations

It was found that rtable was df(58-2, 0,05)= 0,258 and for r was 0.082 the correlation level 0,082 < 0,258 it means that research hypothesis (H0) was rejected and there are no positive relation between them and the researcher also found that 0.514 > 0,05 it means that between variable X and Y there are no significant relation and from the calculation above the researcher concluded that there was no positive and no significant correlation between students’ reading habit and students’ reading comprehension. The implication of this research is that according to the result there are another factors that affected the correlation between students’ reading habit and students’ reading comprehension it is students intellectual, language skills, psychological, environment, or experience. The researcher suggest that the teacher or the school must make the literacy time, so that the students can improve their reading comprehension factors such as improve their critical thinking skills, vocabulary development, and also motivate their reading habit.

Based on study findings, the researcher concluded that student reading habits was of a good standard because they averaged 21, 91. The ninth grade at Muhammadiyah Junior High School 10 Sidoarjo scored a mean of 65, 00 on a scale of 100, placing them in the high category for reading comprehension. The researcher also discovered that there was no connection between the students' reading habits and their reading comprehension. It meant that there are other aspects that impact students' reading comprehension and may be influenced by a number of things and that reading habit is not the only feature that influences reading comprehension level. According to Aina there are several factor that affect reading for example environmental factor and psychology factor[25]. In previous research that conducted by Sandewa, that research shows that reading habit in English improve vocabulary mastery, but in this research it shows that the reading habit doesn’t have significant correlation with reading comprehension. The cause of it can be from the difference of the level of students and also it can be affected from students’ skills, environment, and psychology.


Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher concluded that there was no significant correlation between students’ reading habit and students’ reading comprehension of Muhammadiyah Junior High School 10 Sidoarjo. Not all students that who got high level on reading habit also got high level on reading comprehension and otherwise because there are another factor that influenced the level of reading comprehension for example intellectual, language skills, psychological, environment, or experience.


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