
This study aims to explore the method of translating metaphorical utterances in the Dead Poets Society movie, given the challenges metaphors pose in conveying meanings through comparisons. The research design adopts a qualitative approach, with data collected through direct observation, including watching, understanding, classifying, and analyzing 26 randomly selected metaphorical samples. The study reveals that semantic translation dominates the transmission of metaphorical meaning, with translators oriented towards the semantic and syntactic structure of the source language. Translators tend to employ word-for-word, literal, semantic, and faithful translation techniques. The implications of the findings suggest that semantic translation is more prevalent than communicative translation in conveying messages and meanings, with literal translation being the most widely used method. However, some sentences were left untranslated in the target language. This study provides valuable insights for translation studies, contributing to a better understanding of metaphor translation and its impact on communication in movie contexts.


  • Methodological Approach: The study adopts a qualitative research design to explore translation methods used in metaphorical utterances in the Dead Poets Society movie.
  • Dominance of Semantic Translation: The analysis reveals that semantic translation is the primary approach employed by translators in conveying metaphorical meaning, emphasizing the importance of semantic and syntactic structure of the source language.
  • Implications for Translation: The study highlights the prevalence of word-for-word, literal, semantic, and faithful translation methods, shedding light on the challenges of translating metaphors and their impact on conveying messages and meanings.

Keyword: Translation Methods, Metaphorical Utterances, Dead Poets Society Movie, Semantic Translation, Qualitative Research


Nowadays the existence of movies in the midst of people's lives provides certain values and functions to transmit a message to a wide audience. Movies can affect aspects of students' attitude development related to learning materials and their role in front of the class. The approach of using video clips opens students' thinking and exploration of how to express learning material [1]. Movies are useful in teaching because they show fast and direct teaching scenarios where specific scenes in the form of important issues or emotions are presented in a way that is easy for students to identify [2]. Movies can affect aspects of students' attitude development related to learning materials and their role in front of the class. The approach of using video clips opens students' thinking and exploration of how to express learning material [1]. The strategy of using movie as media is considered very appropriate as a reference material for learning, especially learning metaphors.

Metaphors are often used in a conversation to beautify and liven up an expression in a sentence. Especially in a written or visual literary work always includes a metaphor to convey a message or substance. In most cases, the use of metaphor as a figure of speech becomes a further study of the traditional understanding of the various arguments about metaphor. A few audiences still do not have a deeper understanding when metaphor is used in a direct conversation. Therefore, it is very important to understand metapor as part of communication materials in everyday life. As one of the characteristics of communication, metaphor poses a challenge to translation, both as an exercise for translators and for its treatment in the specific discipline of translation study [3]. The birth of movies from various cultures and different languages creates a translation process, namely changing the original language into another language or a targeted language.

The process of transferring words that focus on meaning from one language to another is commonly known as translation. Translation is the process of translating between two different written languages involving the translator by changing the original text (source text) in the original verbal language into writing (target text) into a different verbal language (target language) [4]. In short, translation is the process of translating the source language into the target language. The researcher focuses on translation in the movie in real depiction through dialogue between characters. Translation in movie has much in common with translation literature at a very basic level [5]. Based on previous research, Dead Poets Society is not just a scene-by-scene series but provides an argument that overly disciplined education will have a negative impact on students' lives and psychology [6].

Realizing the importance of an accurate translation of metaphors, the researcher was interested in conducting a study dealing with metaphors, specifically the method of metaphor’s translation usage in Dead Poets Society movie. The study addressed the following research questions: (1) How is the metaphor translation method used in Dead Poets Society movie?


The researcher uses a qualitative method to solve the problem. The qualitative method is a research method that collects, clarifies, analyses, and interprets data. In collecting data, the researcher looks for information related to the theory of translation and the theory of metaphor. Dead Poets Society movie is the object of research, so the author underlines the existence of metaphors in the movie. Theory in qualitative research is often called lens theory or perspective theory. In this regard, [7] states: "Theoretical lens or perspective in qualitative research: provides an overall orienting lens that is used to study questions of gender class, and race (or other issues of a marginalized group). This lens becomes an advocacy perspective that shapes the types of questions asked, inform how data are collected and analyzed, and provide a call for action or change".

In this case, [8] stated that qualitative research is much more difficult to do well than quantitative research because the data collected are usually subjective and the main measurement tool for collecting data is the investigator himself". The qualitative research data collected is subjective. In this study, the researcher will describe and analyze the metaphors contained in the Dead Poets Society movie. The research subject that the researcher did was the translation of metaphorical utterances from actors in Dead Poets Society movie. The researcher will examine the metaphorical sentences or phrases in the movie and then analyze them as a whole and in detail.

In the data collection technique in this study, the researcher used direct observation type which has several steps to obtain data. Based on [9] there are several steps that the researcher uses in this study. First, the researcher watched the movie and writes down sentences or phrases that include symbolic figures. The researcher watched the movie three times. First, the researcher want to know the storyline of the movie. Second, the researcher written the metaphorical sentence in the movie. Third, the researcher rechecked the metaphorical sentence. The second step to collecting data, the researcher understands sentences or phrases in the movie. Third, the researcher classifying data based on the type of metaphor and translation used. Last, the researcher analyzes the data. In analyzing the data, the researcher analyze the types of metaphors and the procedures used to translate English metaphors into Indonesian. To ensure the validity of the data, the researcher take steps based on [10] to made observations of persistence, adequacy of references, and rechecked the research data. In persistence observation, the researcher collects data by reading various references related to the theory and analyzing the collected data. Finally, the researcher will receive the correct validation of the analyzed data.

Finding and Discussion

A. Finding

The data of this research is to discuss the metaphorical utterance found in Dead Poets Society movie directed by Peter Weir. After collecting the metaphors, the researcher cataloged the types of metaphors according to [11]. There are dead metaphor, cliché metaphor, stock metaphor, adapted metaphor, recent metaphor, origin metaphor. The origin metaphor appears the most frequently among the various metaphors mentioned, primarily in poetry from various literary works.

Researcher analyzed the translations analysis of metaphors based on (Newmark, 1988) theory. In About Translation (Newmark, 1988) divides the method of translation are semantic translation and communicative translation. In addition, the types of translation that are included in semantic translation are word for word, literal, faitful, semantic translation. While communicative translation are adapted, communicative, free and idiomatic translation. This study discovered that Aris Asmara's translation technique for metaphorical sentences used semantic translation. Semantic translation is a method of translating the source language as close as possible to the semantic and syntactic structure of the second language by considering the original culture in conveying the message. As well as included in this method are word for word, literal, faithful, and semantic translation. The most common method for conveying meaning from the source language into the target language is literal translation. It can be seen that the translator oriented to the semantic and syntactic structure of source language and maintain sentence length. This proves that translators tend to side with the source language in translating metaphorical utterances in Dead Poets Society movie.

1. Metaphorical expressions and translation usage in Dead Poets Society Movie

This section discusses further the findings of the research. It is done to answer the objectives of the research, which are: to find out and analyze the metaphorical translation method used in the Dead Poets Society movie. The researcher discusses and analyzes the metaphorical expressions found in the Dead Poets Society movie. The researcher used 26 randomly selected samples to analyzed used Newmark theory.

a. Word for Word Translation

Word for Word Translation is an interlinear translation, with the TL just below the SL words (Newmark, 1988). The lingual unit in the application of this method is at the word level. One by one the words are translated sequentially, without regard to context. The term culture in the source language is also translated literally. This method can be used properly if the structure of the source language is the same as the structure of the target language or the source language text which only contains single words is not constructed into phrases, clauses or sentences so that they are not interrelated in meaning. Some examples of word for word translation found in the movie are:


SL “Ladies and gentleman, boys, the light of knowladge.”

TL “Nyonya dan Tuan, anak-anak. Cahaya pengetahuan.”

Based on the results of the analyzed translation, there are no translation deviations made by the translator. The translator uses word for word translation to convey the message in the movie. This can be seen in the word for word which the researcher succeeded in considering as a metaphor.‘Ladies and gentleman’ are defined as “Nyonya dan Tuan” because the context of the ongoing event is formal. Because Welton Academy is an all-boys school, Mr Nolan only mentions ‘Boys’. While ‘The light of knowladge’ is interpreted as “Cahaya pengetahuan”.


SL “Listen, don’t mind Cameron. He is born with his foot in his mouth”

TL “Dengar, jangan pikirkan Cameron. Dia dilahirkan dengan kaki di mulutnya.”

‘His foot in his mouth’ it means to say something by accident that embarrasses or upsets someone, say something stupid, embarrassing, or unwise. Based on the results of the analyzed translation, “Listen, don't mind Cameron”, the translator uses the word for word translation "Dengar, jangan pikirkan Cameron". It will be better and natural in the target language if express use communicative translation in sentence "Dengar, jangan hiraukan Cameron."


SL “Because we are food for worms, lads.”

TL “Karena kita merupakan makanan cacing-cacing

‘We are food for worms’ is an example of clichéd metaphor that describes people by comparing ‘death (of people)’ with the phrase ‘food for worms’. The meaning in the sentence leads to highlighting 'we' as the subject being discussed through these characteristics symbolically, then comparing them to form a metaphor. Based on the results of the analyzed translation, the translator uses the word for word translation method. “Because we are food for worms, lads” translated to “Karena kita merupakan makanan cacing-cacing” The meaning in the story has been conveyed enough to the audience. Although some viewers may be confusedabout what the translator means.

b. Literal Translation

This method can be said to have similarities with the previous method in the form of word-for-word translation, namely that the matching is still separated from the context. Literal translation is often used as the first step when translating.The difference lies in the grammatical construction of the source language which is trying to be changed closer to the grammatical construction of the target language. Some examples of literal translation found in the movie are:


SL “You have some big shoes to fill, young man. Your brother was one of our finest”

TL “Kamu mempunyai beban di pundak. Kakakmu adalah salah satu yang terbaik”.

‘Filling someone's shoes’ means doing the work they used to do. This expression is used when someone has done a good job and is about to be replaced by a new person. ‘Some big shoes to fill’ is expressed through the sentence ‘beban di pundak’. Based on the results of the analyzed translation, the translator uses the literal translation method to convey sentences into the target language.


SL “I was not the mental giant you see before.”

TL “Saya tidak bermental baja sebelumnya.”

“I was not the mental giant” is an example of cliché metaphor that discribe people, where ‘I’ is a topic that written as a subject, while ‘Mental giant’ is explanation which known as an extremely intelligent person and typically used sarcastically. Based on the results of the analyzed translation, the translator uses the literal translation method to translate and convey the meaning of the metaphoric sentences spoken by the actors in the movie. ‘Mental giant’ is translated into a phrase ‘Mental baja”. The sentence "I was not the mental giant you see before" could also be expressed using a communicative translation method for a wider and longer explanation. For example, “Saya tidak sejenius seperti yang anda pikirkan”.


To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time By Robert Herrick

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,

Old Time is still a-flying;

And this same flower that smiles today

Tomorrow will be dying.

Based on the results of the analyzed translation, the translator uses literal translation in transferring the meaning of poem from the source language to the target language. The meaning of poetry will also depend on the culture and social of target language.


SL “The guy could eat a football.

TL “Pria itu seorang pemain football.”

Based on the results of the analyzed translation, translators using literal translation because the translation prioritizes content rather than text form so that the intended meaning or message is more clearly accepted by the user. "He could eat a football" sounds ambiguous if translated in phrase "Dia bisa memakan sepak bola". However when conveyed with literal translation the meaning will be more flexible. The translator was less careful and forgot the word ‘football’ to be translated into the target language. Even so, the word football has become an international language that is recognized by the general public, so the meaning could be understand.


Qoutes by Henry David Thoreau

I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.

I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.

To put to rout all that was not life.

And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

This qoutes is an example of origin metaphor because the existing sentences are purely based on the contents of the thoughts or ideas of the author even though they are read by other speakers . Based on the results of the analyzed translation, the translator uses literal translation in translating the quotes in movies.


SL “Don’t think that I don’t know that this assignment scares the hell out of you, you mole.”

TL “Jangan dikira saya tidak tahu bahwa tugas ini menakutkan anda, anda ketakutan”.

This phrases are example of recent metaphor. They are old words adapted, then used with new meanings. In the ancient sense, the term ‘Hell’ referred to the underworld, a deep pit or land where sinners congregate. Hell is often imagined as a place of punishment, judgment and vengeance. More broadly, hell is described in religious cosmology as the opposite of heaven, ‘hell’ itself is symbolized by things related to evil, alienation, and despair. In this sentence, ‘hell’ is just a description or comparison of the feeling of fear. In the sentence spoken by the speaker in this movie, 'mole' is intended as an allusion to the fear of the speaker's opponent.


SL “Keep your eyes in the boat”.

TL “Jaga mata kalian tetap pada perahu!”

'Keep your eyes' does not mean keeping your eyes directly, but to watch carefully for someone or something, when you are doing something that is also important. Based on the results of the analyzed translation, the researcher understands that the translator uses the literal translation method. “Jaga mata kalian tetap pada perahu”sounds ambiguous, it is better if the translator uses the sentence "Tetap fokus pada perahu!"


SL “I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.”

TL “Aku bersuara barbar yawp melewati langit-langit di dunia.”

The sentence “I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world” is a part of Song of Myself, verse 52 by Walt Whitman - 1819-1892. ‘Rooftops’ are the highest level of a building. However, the meaning in this sentence the speaker is talking about the rooftops of the worlds' where it is the highest level that no one can reach. This sentence is an example of origin metaphor which written by the poet. Based on the result of the analyzed translation, the researcher found that the translator used literal translation method.


SL “Hell of a guy, your old brother, Mutt.”

TL “Hei kamu saudara, Mutt”.

'Hell of a guys' can be interpreted as a very bad activity or person, exciting, or someone interesting. Based on the result of the analyzed translation, the translator shortens the sentence and even almost forgets the important point in the sentence 'hell of a guy' which is meant in the movie. 'Hell of a guy' could be interpreted or adapted into the word 'sialan!' in the target language. However the translator uses literal translation to translate the speech of the speaker.


SL “Keep your head about you”.

TL “Waspada pada diri anda sendiri

'Keep your head' does not mean keeping your head straight, but paying close attention to someone or something, when you are doing something important. Do not harm yourself. This phrase is a sentence that is continuously used in daily conversation.This phrase is an example of a dead metaphor. Based on the translation analysis that has been done by the researcher, the researcher found that the translator used literal translation method. “Waspada pada diri anda sendiri”is a good delivery sentence to convey the message in the conversation that the speaker is having.


SL “The heavens made a girl named chris with hair and skin of gold, to touch her would be paradise”.

TL “Surga seorang gadis bernama Chris dengan rambut dan kulit keemasan. Untuk menyentuhnya akan menjadi surga”.

‘Gold’ and ‘Paradise’ are beautiful parable words to describe a woman.'Paradise' is described as the most beautiful place described in many stories, religions and even traditions. The use of the word 'Paradise' to describe a fantasy that cannot be described in other words. These words are an example of cliché metaphor that describe people. Based on the result of the analyzed translation, the translator used literal translation method. In the translation process, the translator looks for grammatical constructions of the source language that are commensurate with or close to the target language. The translator adjusts the wording according to the grammar of the target language.


SL “He is a rat! He is in it up to this his eyes, so he ratted to save himself”

TL “Dia penghianat, dia ada didalamnya sampai ke matanya, jadi dia berhianat untuk menyelamatkan diri sendiri.”

A ‘Rat’ a rodent resembling a large mouse, usually having a pointed snout and a long tail with sparse hair. Some types of them are indicated to be able to transmit the disease.However, the 'rat' that is meant here is not an animal, but a designation for someone who is a troublemaker, a traitor or someone who has a bad impact on others. The sentence “You are rat!” is an example of a cliche metaphor that describes people. Based on the result of the analyzed translation, the researcher found that the translator used the literal translation method. The translator looks for the appropriate equivalent of the target language that matches the source language.

c. Semantic Translation

The translation using the faithful translation method is done by establishing contextual meaning but still being bound to the grammatical structure of the source language. This translation tries to preserve words from the source language. So that sometimes there is a discrepancy with the rules of the target language, especially in the translation of cultural terms, so that the translation results often become rigid. Some examples of semantic translation found in the movie are:


SL “His grades are hurting”

TL “Nilai pelajaranya menurun

This sentence is an example of cliché metaphor. 'Hurting' is used to express another word that is emotional. However the metaphorical impression of this sentence is not too thick because it is often used in daily conversation. Based on the results of the analyzed translation the translator uses semantic translation so that the meaning is not rigid and sounds natural. That is "Nilai pelajaranya menurun".


SL “Now, he had a wife, the plague of his life.”

TL “Sekarang, dia memiliki istri, mengganggu kehidupanya.”

Based on the results of the analyzed translation, the translator uses the semantic method to transfer the meaning of the poem into the target language. In several cases, many translators use the free translation method to translate poem so that the sentences are longer and easier to understand. However, this time the translator uses a semantic translation which still maintains the attachment of the translation results to the source language. In the sentence "Sekarang, dia memiliki istri, mengganggu kehidupanya, sang istri selalu menyalahkannya." the translator maintains the aesthetic element of a poem.


SL “I see a sweetness in her smile. Bright light shines from her eyes”.

TL “Aku lihat kemanisan dalam senyumnya. Terang cahaya kemilau dari matanya”.

‘Sweetness’ and ‘Bright light’ describes the sentence beauty over someone. Based on the results of the analyzed translation, the researcher found that the translator used semantic translation methodto maintain the beauty of words as a poem. The translator has changed the metaphorical "sweetness" by translating using the word "kemanisan" instead of “keindahan".

d. Faithful Translation

This method is more flexible than the faithful translation method. Translated cultural terms are made easier for readers to understand. The aesthetic elements of the source language are still prioritized but accompanied by compromises that are still within reasonable limits. Some examples of word for word translation found in the movie are:


SL “Seize the day, boys.”

TL “Petiklah (rebutlah) hari anak-anak.”

The meaning of this phrase is encouragement to make good use of time. The implication is that our time in this world is short and we should make good use of it. Based on the results of the analyzed translation, the translator uses faithful translation as seen from the translator's efforts to reproduce the contextual meaning of the original text correctly within the constraints of the grammatical structure of the target language. ‘Seize the day’ translates to ‘Petiklah hari’ which is still bound to the meaning of cerpe diem. Culturally charged words are translated, but grammatical deviations and word choice are still present or left unchecked.

e. Untranslated

Based on 26 metaphorical data that have been analyzed randomly, there are several metaphors that are not translated into the target language. Some examples are:


SL “Thigh man? Mr K as a hell-raiser”

TL “Thigh man? Mr K adalah seorang hell-raiser”

'Thigh man' and 'Hellraiser' both include metaphors because they provide a comparison about the figure of Mr. Keating is in accordance with the description of the facts they have found. Based on the results of the analyzed translation, the translator did not translate the words ‘Thigh man’ and ‘Hell-raiser’. These two words are important points that must be conveyed with proper translation. Unfortunately, the translator didn't do it, so the meaning of the words was not conveyed properly to the audience. Incommunicative or free translation method, ‘Thigh man’ can be interpreted as ‘Pria yang terobsesi dengan paha’ while ‘Hell-raiser’ is defined as ‘Penjaga neraka’.


SL “The god of love”

Love is an attribute of God. Love is a core aspect of God's character, His Person. Where God is the perfect example of true love.‘The God of Love’ is an example of dead metaphor. Dead metaphor continuously use for long time, too cliché, has no expressive power, and has frozen.


A poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson 1842

This words in this poems is an example of origin metaphor that describes the comparison of an object with other objects but in a figurative form.


The Congo - A Study of The Negro Face

Vachel Lindsay. 1879

‘Black’is defined as a word to give a description of darkness, not the actual color in a color type. while 'cutting' is not just cutting objects, but means 'walking through'. This words is an example of origin metahor.


TL “I do enjoy a good dog once in a while, sir”.

Actually, ‘Good dog’ used to tell a animal that have behaved well or done something well. However in this sentence it meanshaving admirable, pleasing, superior, or positive qualities; not negative, bad or mediocre. 'Good dog' is an example of a recent metaphor because it uses an old word with a different meaning and is then used with a new meaning.


“To be a sailor of the world. Bound for all ports”

“O while I live to be the ruler of live, not a slave”

Theseqoutes areexample of origin metaphor because it includes the original work of someone, namely Walt Whitman.


She Walks in Beauty

By Lord Byron (George Gordon)

She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that’s best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes;

She Walks in Beauty is a famous poem by British Romantic poet Lord Byron, first published in 1815. It praises the beauty of a woman. The speaker compared women to a beautiful night with a clear starry sky, and went on to convey her beauty as a harmonious between ‘darkness and light’.

B. Discussion

This section is a further discussion of the research findings, this is done to answer the research objectives, namely: to find out the metaphor’s translation methods used in Dead Poet Society movie. Based on the analysis of the metaphor translation results, translators tend to favor the source language in translating text in movies, which mostly use literal, word for word, semantic, and faithful translation. Some of the translation results' accuracy and efficiency are a little stiff and error-prone. In fact, when compared to semantic translation, communicative translation is seen as two methods that fulfill the general purpose of translation, namely the accuracy and efficiency of a text.

This study discussed translation in movie, which has similarities and differences with previous research. In order to determine the type and method of translation, researcher conduct analysis based on Newmark's theory. Based on the results of the analysis, the translator used more semantic translation to convey the meaning of the metaphorical utterances in the movie.

In contrast to previous studies discussed in the previous study, this research only focuses on translation analysis of metaphorical utterances in the Dead Poets Society movie. Previously, [12] discussed translation in movie that focused on the dialogue of one character, whereas the researcher in this study took all of the metaphorical utterances spoken by the actors in the movie. Whereas, [13] focused on what type and how the translation procedures are used in translation. Similarly, [10] discussed about translation and metaphor but in a different context, namely in a novel. The difference is in the object of analysis as well as the translation procedure used.

The reasercher discovered previous research that discussed the same movie, Dead Poets Society. The study focused on idomatic expressions and its application in teaching speaking in senior high school [14]. The researcher makes some codes to classify the data based on the number of the data. The data number took from number of utterance from conversation in the script’s movie. The difference with this research is the focus of the discussion, between idiomatic and metaphorical. Certainly, this research is an update in the same research object, Dead Poets Society movie.

In in other studies, has been done previously by [15] with the same research object. The researcher found differences in the discussion that discussed the types of illocutionary acts in Pak Keating's speech while teaching. The findings show that Pak Keating as a teacher directs as an illocutionary act. This is very different from the findings of research conducted by researchers at this time, namely the use of semantic translation which dominates more than communicative translation in conveying messages and meanings in sentences.


Based on the analysis of the data, the researcher is able to draw some conclusions. In accordance with the purpose of the study, namely how is the delivery of metaphor’s translation in the Dead Poets Society movie. The researcher comes to the conclusion that translators are more likely to use semantic translation than communicative translation when translating sentences or metaphorical utterances from the source language to the target language. Semantic translation consists of several types of translation methods found, including word for word, literal, semantic, and faithful translation. These four translation methods are used in the process of transferring sentences from the source language into the target language. This indicates that the translator in the Dead Poets Society movie used semantic translation in the process of conveying meaning in metaphorical sentences. The use of semantic translation is more dominant than communicative translation in conveying messages and meanings in sentences. The translator is oriented towards the semantic and syntactic structure of source language. Therefore, literal translation is the most widely used type of translation to produce sentences from the source language. In addition, several sentences were recorded that were not translated into the target language.


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