Information Technology Education Method
DOI: 10.21070/ijemd.v21i.720

The Use of Kahoot in Writing Skills in Junior High School

Penggunaan Kahoot dalam Keterampilan Menulis di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

(*) Corresponding Author

Kahoot Writing Skill Recount Text


Writing skill is a way to express and build the ideas into written form. In 4.0 era, which technology is to support the education, one of which is by using Kahoot in learning process. The methodology used in this research was the experimental quantitative research with the paired sample t-test. The research population was 319 eigh grade students. Then, the research sample was 8E  consisting of 36 students at SMPN 3 Sidoarjo in the academic year of 2021/2022. The result of the data presented that, there was significant different score between pre-test and post-tes. The mean pre-test was 54.25 and the the mean of post-test was 68.78. The significant value of the research was 0.000 < significant level 0.05. therefore, it showed there is an effect of Kahoot for learning writing skill recount text of the eight grade students at SMPN 3 Sidoarjo


One of the language skills that students need to develop in school is writing. Writing is also communication, to put it another way. When someone communicates constantly, primarily through chatting to other people, and writes down what is on his mind. As a result, writing might be said to be crucial to our lives. It may be the ideal instrument to help us learn more about how we think since it can help us solidify ideas and thoughts so that we can express them more clearly in writing than we could if the ideas were allowed to evolve in our minds. Additionally, it aids in the development of language skills, spelling, narrative development, and logical argumentation or how to persue.Therefore, students need to be proficient writers because writing accounts for a large portion of global communication.

However, a lot of teachers find it challenging to teach writing skills. Along with this current circumstance, schools are using hybrid learning. This affects the process of teaching and learning. To accomplish the learning objectives, teachers should be creative in how they present the material. If the teacher is not creative, the students want not be motivated to learn [1]. Currently, DEPDIKNAS (Ministry of Education)) in the KTPS curriculum sets the standard for writing proficiency; students are expected to comprehend the meaning in brief written texts and straightforward essays with the purpose of recounting in daily life context to the closest society.

Students should also be proficient in recount text material. The first is because recount texts are a crucial component of this semester's curriculum. (English curriculum for class 8 at Sidoarjo State High School, 2021–2022). The second is that there are certain issues with the way that learning is taught. In truth, there are several issues. The students still lacked of vocabulary and the weeknesses struggled to incorporate their ideas into a text. They found it challenging to comprehend the text's structure, complained about the weak grammar, and feared making a mistake in writing. The above issue was illustrated by a previous study [2].

The teacher's teaching-learning strategy for teaching writing can occasionally dull the students. As a result, when writing, students must concentrate on coming up with ideas, organizing those ideas coherently, choosing vocabulary to use in a text, revising that text for clearer meaning, then editing that text for acceptable grammar, and producing the finished output [3]. It make sense that writing is designed to be challenging for language learners. A fun learning environment is created by the teacher's innovation and effective teaching methods. The use of technology for instance, can create a stimulating learning environment in the classroom.

subsequent to the industrial revolution 4.0 is experienced in technology. Technology is used in every part of life, including education. The use of technology is now a crucial component of the teaching and learning environment. The teacher plays a significant part in educating students in the classroom. Additionally, in order to present the subject effectively, learning media are needed. Teachers can benefit from the technology-based media. Consequently, the instructor needs to be able to use technology-based learning resources [4].

One of the technology-based learning media is Kahoot to support the teacing-learning process. The used Kahoot in learning as a media to teach while increasing students’ enthusiasm and comprehension. The students should learn the material using a samrtphone or laptop, which would make the learning environment more engaging [5]. Kahoot offers a variety of feature choices as well. Such quizzes and assessments allow the teacher to create own material for lessons they are teaching. The use Kahoot in the classroom should give sudents additional learning opportunities. Students will comprehend the subject moreover kahoot active learning for teaching writing [6]. Kahoot create a new learning experiance for students because they learn English trough game-based learning so students obtain a positive idea that learning English may be done in a fun and easy [7]. In the current study, gamification and incidental learning are applied in the pedagogy of games to attain educational goals. Additionally, the first student response system to integrate game design principles from the theories of intrinsic motivation and gameflow was Kahoot

Based on the issue mentioned above, the researcher would like to integred game named Kahoot as media to solve problem in writing skill because it can affect the teaching learning process become better. Kahoot was expected to be useful to gave the effect on students writing skill. Previous research state that showed the mean score of the students pre-test was 46.66 and the mean score students pos-test was 76.94. Based on statistical calculation using SPSS 26, it was showed the significant different and effective in teaching writing skill used Kahood . Further, the alternative hypothesis of the research was accepted [8].

The researcher select this Kahoot to be utilized in this research from the other studies described above in order to support students’ weakness in writing skill and teacher’ references in developing a better teaching and learning process to obtain better results.


The research was conduct a quantitative research methods. Likewish, this methods was called quantitative because research data is in form of numbers and analysis used statistics [9]. The type of research is quantitative research with the pre-experimental approach which one-group pre-test post-test design. Pre-experimantal design is a research design which included only one class or group given pre-test before giving a treatment and post-test after giving a treatment. The research design as carried out to comparison before and after giving a treatment.

Students were given the pre-test at first meeting. A pre-test is a test conducted before conducting the treatment. It could help to measure the students’ ability in writing before applying the treatment. While, in pre-test students were intructed to make a personal recount text essat according the topic; Cristmas Eve, Last Holiday and Trevelling. The researcher gave a treatment through Kahoot so the researcher used kahoot as a media in learning writing recount text. In learning process, the researcher explained the material of recout text to students via Kahoot. In addition, the researcher explain several step to use Kahoot before answer the question. To apply kahoot in learning, researcher asked students to used mobile phone that is connected to the Kahoot so students enter the pin number to begin answer the question. the students answered 10 questions game from kahoot which had been prepared by the researcher. Students start the game after they pass one question then the score and rank appeared in scoreboard.

Finally, the researcher gave the post-test. It can be help the researcher to find the significant improvement of students’ writing ability. In pos-test the researcher was intructed students to create a personal recount text essay according the topic; My Experiance, Vacation, My Trip. After, the data has been collected from pre-test and post-test. The researcher was analized and calculed used SPSS version 26. The sample of data is chosen only one class, so that class called experiment class. The researcher chosen class 8 E at Junior High Scool 3 Sidoarjo in the academic year of 2021/2022 as a sample, which consist of 36 students. The material studied in the eight grade is a personal recount text.

Result and Discussion

The hypothesis testing which researcher used is if the t-test > t table, the alternative hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and (H1) was accepted. It means that there is significant difference in writing skill of eight grade students of SMPN 3 Sidoarjo before and after they were taught using Kahoot. If the t-test < t-table, the (Ho) was accepted and (H1) was rejected. It means that there is no significant difference in writing skill of eight grade students SMPN 3 Sidoarjo before and after they were taught using Kahoot.

The researcher used a statistical test with paired sample t-test was stated by SPSS 26 to data analysis. Furthermore the researcher calculated the data pre-test and post-test to find out the effect of Kahoot in students’ writing recount text. The results are as follow:

Mean N Std.Deviantion Std.Error Mean
Pair 1 Pre Test 54.25 36 9.266 1.544
Post Test 68.78 36 6.211 1.035
Table 1.Paired Sample Statistic

N Correlation Sig.
Pair 1 Pre Test & Post Test 36 .683 .000
Table 2.Paired Sample Correlations

Paired Differences
Mean Std.Deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference T df Sig. (2-tailed)
Lower Upper
Pair1 Pre Test &Post Test -14.528 6.768 1.128 -16.818 -12.238 -12.880 35 .000
Table 3.Paired Sample Test

Based on statistical calculation using SPSS 26, the result of pre-test and post-test of eight grader at SMPN 3 Sidoarjo with the mean pre-test score of 54.25, while the mean post-test of 68.78. Moreover, to know that wether or not of relationship between pre-test and post-test. If the significant is ≤ 0.05 than there is the relationship between pre- test and post-test. While the significant is ≥ 0.05 it mean there is no the relationship between pre-test and post-test. Further, in this research the significant value in the paired sample correlation of 0.00 ≤ 0.05 indicated that the pre-test and post-test have a relationship.

In this research, the researcher gave the interpretation to significant value. The significant value of this research was 0.000 and the significant level 0.05. If the significant value (0.000) > significant level (0.05) the alternative hypothesis (Ho) was accepted and (H1) was rejected, then there is no significant different between the result of pre- test and post-test in learning writing recount text. While the significant value (0.000) < significant level (0.05) the alternative hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and (H1) was accepted, then there is the significant different between the result of pre-test and post-test in learning writing recount text. Since the significant value (0.000) was smaller than the significant level (0.05), moreover in this research the statistical used Paired samples t-test, then from the result of t- test show that there was significant differences in the pre-test and post-test. The t-test value is12.880. The t-table with df 35 is 2.030. Then concluded that t-test higher than t-table (12.880 > 2.030). The significant value was 0.000,so it was less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). It can be concluded the alternative hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and (H1) was accepted. It means that there is the significant different score on the students writing skill skill before and after being taught using Kahoot. There was different on Paired Sample Statistic that the mean before taught not using Kahoot was 54.25, while the mean after taught using Kahoot was 68.78.

In other hand, the students taught using Kahoot achieve better in writting than those are taught not using Kahoot. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is the significant effect of Kahoot in writing recount text of the eight grade at junior high school 3 Sidoarjo in the 2021/2022 academic year. Students was more enthusiastics and easier to learn writing materials by using Kahoot. The benefits of teaching writing used Kahoot are the learning process become fun, students are involved more in learning, increase students’ motivation, train students to be able to use technology in the learning process, and train students’ motoric skills.

The same case occured in SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Boarding School Tanggulangin that the study was conducted with 18 students at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Boarding School Tanggulangin. That study declare the students’ understanding of the average value between the pre-test and post-test experiances differences. The average value of pre-test was 46.66 and the average the post-test was 76.94. It showed the post-test score was grather than the pre-test score. Furthermore, this research shows the alternative hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and (H1) was accepted. Then, there is the significant effect of using Kahoot in learning [8].

Besides, Kahoot can Kahoot can help the student to memorize the vocabulary and students could enjoy kahoot and learn vocabulary competitively. Kahoot was increase students’ motivation, engagement, excitement, and new learning experiance. It can be seen from the result of the these research. At the end of the treatment period, these reasercher found the difference of the progress of experimental group and controlled group. Which students who were taught using Kahoot better on vocabulary test than students who were not. The mean of experimental group shows bigger than the mean of controlled group. The mean of the experimental group after the post-test wa 87.688, while the mean of the mean of control group is 77.688 [10].

In order to, other study stated that looked at how the Kahoot effected Saudi EFL students’reading comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and attitude toward it. According to the finding of these study, Kahoot was useful tool for teaching vocabulary and reading comprehension. The students’ post-test in the experimental group was better than the students’ pre-test in both vocabulary and reading comprehension, as can be seen from their score. Moreover, the researcher in this study used Kahoot to determine how it affected the develope of other language skills. We could see that Kahoot was successful on students’ Saudi EFL. Therefore, the author recomends Kahoot for students’ writing skill [11].


The researcher concluded that the research finding showed there is the significant effect of using Kahoot in writing skill on students eight grade at junior high school 3 Sidoarjo. It is showed by the increased that the mean post-test was higher rather than the mean pre-test. Furthermore, it proves that the hypothesis alternative (H1) was accepted, meaning that there there is the significant different score on the students writing skill before and after being taught using Kahoot.

Kahoot has been effective in created engagement and active learning for teaching writing. Thus, students’ motivation, exitement, enjoyment, and concentration was influanced in learning. Moreover students involved more in learning, so kahoot created a new learning experiance for students. Then, it was made a good impression for students that learning English can be done with fun and easy way.


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