Elementary Education Method
DOI: 10.21070/ijemd.v21i.719

The Use of Animation Film in Writing Skill at Junior High School

Penggunaan Film Animasi dalam Keterampilan Menulis di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

(*) Corresponding Author

Animation Film Writing Skill Recount Text


Writing is one of the difficult skills for students because it requires the ability to express ideas, thoughts and feelings. This study discusses the use of animated film in learning recount text writing skills for 8H grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Gempol. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using animated film on the ability to write recount text. The method used in this study is quantitative with a pre-experimental design that applied pre-test and post-test instruments. By using the paired sample T-Test, it shows that there are differences in the results of the average scores of the pre-test and post-test, namely 61.41 for the average value of the pre-test, and 75.63, for the post-test. This shows that the use of animated films has an influence in learning writing skills.


Writing is one of the activities carried out in learning English. Writing requires the ability to express ideas, thoughts, feelings and knowledge so that the writing can become a work [1]. Writing is not only needed in the field of education, but in other fields. This is because writing is a means of communication with the outside world., English is a priority language in ASEAN. Many countries in ASEAN use English as an intermediary language from one country to another, because English has an influence on the globalization of all fields. English is able to understand all aspects, both in the fields of business, politics, social, education and culture. There are many advantages in learning and understanding English because English is currently a communication tool in the era of globalization [2]. It can be seen that English is an important language in ASEAN countries, this is because English is the official language used in the region [3]. Mastery of skills in English includes four skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Therefore, many countries in ASEAN emphasize communication, linguistic, and literary skills for school students.

English is one of the subjects studied in Indonesia, this is so that students can master skills in communication, linguistics and literature globally. Learning English is targeted at junior high school students and senior high school students, because English subject is included in the general subjects of group A. Knowing the importance of the role of English today, students must be equipped with complete communication skills in English, oral and written. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are the four main language skills. Of all language skills, writing looks a little difficult for students as a language skill that requires a high ability to express ideas, thoughts, feelings and create written texts[4]. One of the areas of learning English in junior high school is understanding and making various functional texts and monologues such as essays in the form of descriptions, recounts, narratives, procedures, and report [5].

The recount text material is one material that is studied by junior high school students, eighth grade. Recount text is a text that lists and describes past experiences by redisplaying the events in chronological order [6]. The purpose of the recount text is to recount events, entertain viewers and provide information about what events happened and when they happened [7].

In studying recount material, students experience several obstacles, such as confusion in the use of the past tense, and lack of ideas in writing. This is the same as the eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Gempol who experience some problems in learning recount material. Constraints experienced such as; lack of vocabulary so that when they want to write students are confused about what topic or discussion they want to write. Lack of ideas and sources of inspiration can also cause students to be less motivated and bored.

From these problems, there are several ways to reduce these problems, one of which is the use of animated films as learning media. Animated films are one of the effective learning methods used for learning for students of today's generation, besides that animated films are also an interesting learning method, because films are one of the audiovisual media, if learning is well prepared and balanced between learning objectives and levels. students' abilities [8].

Media in the perspective of education is a very strategic instrument in determining the success of the teaching and learning process. Because its existence can directly provide its own dynamics for students [9]. The used of animated film media in student learning in writing skills can be used by considering the level of students' abilities and the suitability between the material selected and what will be delivered in the learning process. Therefore, the used of animated films can increase students' interest in honing writing skills, add ideas so that students have image inspiration in writing skills, besides that it can also support students' memory of the material presented. Animated films can be an effective medium if used properly.


This research is quantitative, the type of this research is pre-experimental. [10] Quantitative research is a knowledge growth process that used data in the form of numbers as a tool to find information about what we want to know. The quantitative research approach used more logic to prove the hypothesis. The approach starts with deductive thinking to derive hypotheses, then conducts field tests.

This study used an experimental method with pre-test and post-test. In this study, the researcher used the pre-experimental method as a method of collecting research data. Pre-experimental is a quantitative method that is often used in experimental research. Pre-experimental is used to explain the causal relationship (causality) between one variable and another (variable X and Y) [10].

In this study, the population was all eighth grade students from SMP Negeri 2 Gempol, Academic Year 2021/2022 with a total of 264 students. The sample of this research is class 8H with a total of 32 students which is used as a pre-experiment research sample. This research is used to find out students' problems quickly by directly providing treatment in the form of treatment for the experimental class, so that they can get an overview of the expected data quickly.

Result and Discussion


This research was conducted in class 8H starting with pre-test, treatment, then post-test. Giving pre-test and post-test question to students at to determine the improvement of learning using animated film media on writing skills after students given treatment. After calculating the score, it is known that the value of the pre-test is different from the post-test.

The data of this study were obtained from the results of students' writing. Students write a recount paragraph about their own personal experience or the experiences of others. Then the data is analyzed by measuring from several aspects, such as aspects of story content, organization, mechanics, vocabulary, and grammar. After measuring the students' abilities from some of these aspects, the researcher then analyzed the data that had been obtained based on the data that had been obtained, it was found that the use of film animation as a medium of learning in students' writing skills had a visible effect. In this case, the researcher wanted to know whether there is a significant effect by used this media on the development of student's writing skills. This sample was taken from 32 students after being given treatment. The results of data analysis can be seen from the table below:

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Pair 1 Pre Test 61.41 32 10.019 1.771
Post Test 75.63 32 7.268 1.285
Table 1.Paired Samples Statistic

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the average pre-test and post-test scores of students are different, with an average pre-test score of 61.41, while the post-test score is 75.63 out of a total of 32 8H grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Gempol.

N Correlation Sig.
Pair 1 Pre Test & Post Test 32 .862 .000
Table 2.Paired Samples Correlation

A significant value in the paired sample correlation of 0,000 ≤ 0.05 indicated that the pre-test and post-test have a relationship. From this table show whether or not of a relationship between pre-test and post-test. If the significant is ≤ 0.05 then there is a pre-test and post test relationship. And if the significant ≥ 0.05 it means there is no relationship between pre-test and post-test. In this research the significant value is ≤ 0.05.

Paired Differences
Mean Std.Deviation Std.Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference T df Sig. (2-tailed)
Lower Upper
Pre Test - Post Test -14.219 5.253 .929 -16.133 -12.325 -15.311 31 .000
Table 3.Paired Samples Test

Paired sample statistics showed the mean and standard deviation of the pre-test and post-test. The average value of the pre-test is 61.41 while, the average value of the post-test is 75.63, because the value of p – value statistics t - test is 0,000 (< 0.05), then the conclusion was rejected the hypothesis 0. It means that there is a significant difference in the average pre-test and post-test. These data indicated that there is a significant increase in the average pre-test and post-test.

Based on the table of pre-test and post-test result. The data after treatment used animated film as a media to taught writing skill is higher than the data before. This increase can be seen from the average score of 32 students. Based on the table 1 mean score pre-test is 61.41 and the mean post-test is 75.63. It means that there is the improvement and difference of writing recount text before and after taught using media. The students after taught using animated film as a media can understand the characteristics, generic structure of recount text, and students can write recount text according to context well.

In this research the statistical used Paired t-test, then from the result of t-test showed that there was significant improvement in the pre-test and post-test. The t-test value is 15.311. The t-table with df 31 is 2.039. Then conclude that t-test higher than t-table (15.311 > 2.039). The significant value is 0.000 is less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05).

Based the hypothesis testing the result is Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted. In the other hand that the significant difference in writing skill of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Gempol before and after they taught using animated film as a media.


This study uses film animation as a medium of learning in students' writing skills. The use of animated films is intended so that students can improve their writing skills. Film animation can reduce students' problems in writing, especially writing recount text. Learning to use animated films can make it easier for students to improve their abilities. When learning, students will feel happy and don't feel bored quickly, students can focus more on the ongoing learning process so that the material being studied can be understood well.

In the research that has been done, it can be seen that there is an increase in students' writing skills used animated film as media with an average pre-test score of 61.41 and an average post-test score of 75.63. In addition, the development of students' abilities when writing recount texts is getting better, in terms of content, organization, use of conjunctions, punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary. Before being given treatment, students have difficulty when writing, confused about arranging sentences according to the story line that will be told, the use of conjunctions and grammar also lacking. However, when the treatment was given, students experienced an increase in writing recount texts better. On the other hand, students can be more focused and enthusiastic in the learning process.

Based on the results of data from students' writing on recount material, the use of animation films in the learning process can be done well, so that it can help students in writing skills of recount text, especially in class 8H at SMP Negeri 2 Gempol.

Previous research used animation film has been carried out [11], from using animated films as a learning method to improve students' writing skills. In their research, they said that animated films had an impact on improving students' writing skills, and the results showed that the average student's pre-test result was 64.85 and the student's average post-test result was 79.04. From the average test results, it showed that previous studies have a significant effect, because there are differences in the average test results. The researcher found the results that the use of animated films could relieve students' boredom in learning, and also made easier for students to write, so that students were more enthusiastic about learning.

In another study that has been conducted [12], the used of animated films in learning can improve students' writing skills. In his research, he said that the results of classes receiving treatment using film animation and conventional classes were different. This can be seen from the results of the pre-test and post-test, with the average pre-test score of 47.74 students and the post-test average of 62.65 students for the class that was given treatment. Meanwhile, the average of students with conventional class, the pre-test result were 46.79, and the post-test result were 53.15.

The used of animated films as one of the learning media has also been carried out [13], indicating that there is a development in students' writing abilities. The results of the research carried out, giving treatment using animated film with classes that were not given treatment had different results. The average pre-test result of the class given the treatment was 56.8, and the post-test average result was 72.5. Meanwhile, the average pre-test result for the class that was not gave treatment was 53.1, and the post-test average result was 67.2. The results of the pre-test and post-test showed a significant difference in the use of animated film.

This learning media can increased students' interest in learning in writing skills, students feel happy writing learning so that it can increase the sense of enthusiasm for learning. When learning took place students will focus on the material from the media they see, and during the question and answer session students actively answer questions and asked the teacher who taught, this created a conducive class condition. Then from the learning that has been carried out it has a good impact on the ongoing learning process, the material can be conveyed and received well. With the used of animated film media, students can better understand and understand writing recount text well, which means that students' writing skills have visible developments.

This is in line with the theory [14] Learning media has an important role in supported the quality of the teaching and learning process. Media can also made learning more interesting and fun. One of the learning media that is currently developing is audiovisual media. For teachers, learning media helped concrete concepts or ideas and help motivate active learning participants. For students, the media can be a bridge for critical thinking and action. Thus the media can helped the task of teachers and students to achieve the basic competencies that have been determined.

From the research that has been done, it can be seen that the use of animated films as a medium of learning in learning to write can be said to be effective as a way to reduce problems in learning to write. Students who have learned to use animated films in the process of learning to write can focus more on learning, students begin to be able to express their ideas in writing, use of vocabulary also begins to increase and vary so that students' writing results are more improved than before. Film animation is not only used as a medium of learning in writing narrative text, but also in learning to write recount text. The use of animated films can be used to help the learning process can be adapted to the material to be studied.


Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the used of animated films in students' writing learning shows a significant difference between students' abilities before and after using animated films in the process of learning to write in class 8H at SMP Negeri 2 Gempol. The results of the data can be seen from the significant difference in the average pre-test and post-test scores. In this research, the use of animated films is used as a teaching media. By used animated films students feel more excited when learning, more focused, and understand, because the used of animated films is a new experience for students. Film animation media is suitable for use in learning to write, because in animated films there are backgrounds, characters, plot events, and image elements that can make the storyline experienced by the characters in the story interesting. Therefore, the used of animated films as a learning medium has proven to be effective in improving students' writing skills.

This study proposes several suggestions, such as: In learning the teacher can applied several media that can support the teaching and learning process, so that the learning that takes place can be more effective. The used of media can also be adjusted to the material to be studied. One of the media that can be used in learning is animated film. Then, for further researchers, they can conduct further and in-depth research on animation films in other problems encountered.


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