Elementary Education Method
DOI: 10.21070/ijemd.v20i.665

Is There Any Effect of Reading Habits on Writing Skills for Junior High Students

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

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Reading Habits Writing Skills Quantitative Method


This study aims to show the influence between reading habits and writing skills among students. This research uses quantitative methods. The population used in this study were seventh grade students of SMP At Tibyan Gempol. The sample used in this study amounted to 70 students. The technique used in data collection is a questionnaire used to measure reading habits and a writing test is used to determine how much students are in writing skills. The results of calculations with SPSS for Windows show that the coefficient of the influence of the variables on reading habits and writing skills is 0.627 and the rtable value at significance = 0.05 with df = 68 is 0.235. So, it can be concluded that the value (0.625) > rtable (0.235). This means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This means that there is a positive influence between the variable X (Reading Habits) and the variable Y (Writing Skills) in seventh grade students.


Learning English has the main goal of communicating with other people. In learning English, there are four skills that must be mastered by students, namely reading skills, writing skills, listening skills and speaking skills. To master these four skills students can master gradually. Learning English in the 2013 curriculum emphasizes more on text-based learning. It means that learning focuses on the text that students will learn, for example: students explain objects in detail in the form of writing. But when students want to explain the results of their observations in general, they choose a report or observation text. In English, maintaining writing is as important as any other skill. The development of education in this developing country, the habit of reading is very important. The basic skill that must be possessed is reading [1].

Reading is an activity to spell or memorize an article, as well as a tool to receive information from the media, words or writings that have meaning. Reading as a form of ability included in decoding, making meaning or conveying the meaning of words from a written text [2]. Reading is used as an important activity in the development of human thinking skills. In human life, reading cannot be separated, because it can add insight from books that contain knowledge and other important information. Reading is described like so: “transfer gives meaning from mind to mind” [3]

Reading habits are reading activities that are carried out repeatedly to become a habit. By being trained to get used to reading, it can increase intelligence, improve concentration, improve memory and can reduce stress. In this case, the most important thing for students is to be able to have the habit of reading and understand reading mastery. Without awareness to improve students' reading habits, plagiarism may be difficult to eliminate from students' habits in the long term which can damage students' reading habits national pride [4]. This reading habit is needed in order to be able to respond to situations quickly and decisively.

The process of reading activities is not only reading the available books, but with these reading activities students must be able to understand the content and meaning conveyed by the author of the book. In the process of reading, students can gain an understanding related to new information or vocabulary. So that reading activities can make a very good contribution to writing skills. Activities reading is very important because it can improve general language skills in English such as help students think in English, enlarge students’ English vocabulary, improve their skills student writing, or it can be a great way to get new ideas, facts, or experiences [5].

Writing ability is a language skill that has an important role for students. Writing is a thought process [6]. The success of learning in the teaching and learning process in schools is largely determined by his ability to write. In the world of education, writing skills are prioritized because writing has an important role in the learning process. Writing ability is a language skill that is used to communicate indirectly. Writing is a communication that can indirectly be done by someone to express an opinion, idea, concept, or thought in written form that is easily understood by others [7]. Writing is a productive and expressive activity.

Students' writing skills do not just come, but they need to be trained seriously from an early age. Writing skills are very difficult skills so that these writing skills must be mastered by students [8]. If students are used to writing, then students will find it easier to express an idea, even students can arrange letters into words, then into sentences and finally into a paragraph.

Based on the syllabus in the 2013 Curriculum English learning, junior high school students are taught simple present tense such as descriptive text. Descriptive text is what describes an object in written form. Description text is text used to describe people, places to inform the reader. Writing descriptive text is that the writer does to convey details of the objects being studied described so that the reader can create mental images such as people, places, or objects [9]. Descriptive text is the form used to describe what we see then we write [10]. descriptive text also has a structure, such as: Identification = Descriptive sentences are used to identify the pictures, people and places that are described in detail. And, Description = Explains about the second paragraph and so on which will be discussed in detail about the properties that will be introduce by the reader in the first paragraph.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that reading interest has a significant relationship with writing ability. Writing and reading are two things that support and complement each other. The habit of writing cannot be carried out without the habit of reading, and conversely the habit of reading cannot be meaningful without the habit of writing.

Based on the problem above, the researcher was compelled to do proof through research with the title "the influence of Reading Habits and Writing Skills on junior high school students".

Research Method

Research Design

This research uses quantitative research. This study was used to obtain data, in obtaining data researchers used to distribute questionnaires and writing tests. Quantitative research uses investigative strategies such as experiments and surveys, and collects data in predetermined instruments to produce statistical data [11].


Here the researcher uses two variables to be used, namely the dependent variable and independent variables. The dependent variable is students' reading habits and the independent variable is writing skill.

Operational Definition

1. Reading Habit

The reading habit has several indicators, namely: having a happy feeling, reading motivation, reading effort and reading emotion. There are several aspects that include reading habits, namely; free time, willingness from oneself, motivation and the environment. In reading habits, there are two factors, namely: external factors and internal factors. By filling out a questionnaire of reading habits obtained from students is a reflection of student’s habitual reading activities.

2. Writing Skills

Writing skills are not only writing symbols that are directly in the form of words, but writing skills are able to describe an idea into a written form that is arranged in sentences that are easily understood by readers. Writing skill have several aspects of assessment, namely: content aspects, vocabulary aspects and language development. By being given a test, student can find out how much results the students got in writing skill. From the results of these values, a reflection of the skills of writing in explaining ideas, thoughts and ideas in the correct form of writing.

Population and sample

The population in this study were all seventh graders at SMP At Tibyan Gempol. The total population is 200 students. In this study, the sample used was grade seven D and seven E, totalling 70 students.

Data collection technique

The data collection techniques used by the researcher are questionnaires and writing tests. Questionnaire is a data collection technique that is done by giving a set of written statements to respondents to answer. The writing test is a writing activity that is used to determine the level of writing skills processed by students.

Research Instruments

Research instrument is a tool to measure, observe and document data. Here the researcher uses a test that is used as a tool to collect data. There are two types of tests used by researchers, namely reading habits which consist of 30 questions and writing skills tests which consist of about 60 minutes. The explanations of the two instruments are as follows:

1. Reading Habits

The instrument for collecting data on reading habits was used a questionnaire. The development of this instrument uses a 5-scale Likert scale.

Supplementary Files

Figure 1. Picture indicator Variable Reading Habit

2. Writing Skills

In the writing skill test instrument, write a paragraph based on a predetermined topic. In the assessment of this writing test in calculating the value of the research there is no help from the teacher at the school. The reason for the assessment is done by the researcher himself.

Research Findings and Discussion

Research Findings

The data obtained from reading habits are based on the results of a questionnaire/questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 30 statement items with 70 respondents. Each item is scored from 1 to 5 according to a Likert scale. It can be seen that the average score Mean (M) = 101.90; Median (Me) = 105.00; Mode (Mo) = 90. The data scores obtained from reading habits have been arranged in a frequency distribution in the table below:

Supplementary Files

Figure 2. Picture Picture Data Reading Habit Frequency Distributor

Data on students writing skills can be obtained from the results of the written test class VII students. The value of writing skills obtained by students seen from several aspects, namely ideas, content organization, grammatical structure, diction, and spelling. From several aspects have different weights. The value obtained in writing skills is a minimum of 0 and a maximum of score 100. The data obtained from the writing skills test is based on the results of a descriptive text with a time of 60 minutes. That is, the average score Mean (M) = 69.40; Median (Me) = 70.00; Mode (Mo) = 70. The data scores obtained from reading habits have been arranged in a frequency distribution in the table below:

Supplementary Files

Figure 3. Picture Data Writing Skill Frequency Distributor

Normality test is used to determine whether the data obtained is normally distributed or not. This normality test carried out using the Kolmogorov Smirnov one-sample test with the help of SPSS 18.0 for windows with using a significance level of 5%. From the calculation the following results were obtained:

Supplementary Files

Figure 4. Picture Data One Sample Kolmogorov

Based on the results of the normality test, it’s known that the value of significance 0.097 > 0.05. So, it can be concluded that both the variable is normally distributed.

After applying the test method, the researcher analysed the results of the data obtained using a serial correlation test to prove whether or not there is a correlation between reading habit and writing skills of seventh grade students of SMP At Tibyan Gempol. Correlation serial resume can be described as follows:

Supplementary Files

Figure 5. Picture Data Correlation

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the value of the correlation coefficient (r) or equal to 0.627. This shows that there is a positive effect of 0.627 between reading habits and writing skills. After that, the significance test can be carried out with the correlation coefficient with the value of rtable. The value with N = 70 using a significance level of 5% obtained a value of 0.235. Then it can be seen that the value is greater than the rtable value (0.627 > 0.235). Based on the results of these calculations can be said that the hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, from the results of hypothesis testing, it can be concluded that there is an influence between reading habits and writing skills.


After analysing the results of the questionnaire and written test, a discussion is then presented to answer the research questions as stated in chapter 1. The research question "Is there an influence between reading habits and writing skills?". In this study, the measurement of the Correlation Coefficient formula by Pearson showed that students' reading habits had a positive influence on writing skills. It can be concluded that the results of the calculation of the correlation coefficient formula. The result is 0.627 which indicates that there is a high influence. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a high correlation between students' reading habits and writing skills.

In conclusion, reading habits and writing skills have a positive effect. It can be said that this is evident from the results of Rcount 0.627 > Rtable 0.235 and the strength level has a good category. This means that if students are getting used to it, the more accustomed they are to reading and writing, the better their reading and comprehension skills will be.


This conclusion can be made after the research is carried out. First, students have good reading habits, this is indicated by the average value of the calculation results of 101.90. This result is likely to have an effect on their enjoyment of reading books. Second, from the number of students who strongly agree that reading can improve their writing skills. Third, the reading habit has a good category, which is 21.4%. And writing skills have a good category that is equal to 25.7%. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a good influence between their reading habits and their writing skills.

In this case it can be concluded that there is a positive influence between reading habits and writing skills. It can be said that this is evident from the results of Rcount 0.627 > Rtable 0.235 and the level of strength is included in the good category. This means that the more students are accustomed to reading and writing, the better their reading and comprehension skills will be.


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