
Currently  due  to  the  widespread  pandemic,  the  problem  of  e-learning organization  has  become  crucially  important,  thus  the  role  of  arranging  online testing of students of higher educational institutions has significantly enhanced. In this regard, the article discusses the essence of the online testing, its advantages and disadvantages and the ways to organize online testing during e-learning process. In addition, the article provides scientific recommendations aimed at improving the use of online testing in the educational process.


In the spring of 2020 the world as well as education system throughout the world experienced a colossal shake-up. Along with the system, parents, whose children switched to e-learning, experienced stress as well.According to the survey, 84% of teachers, 73% of children and 68% of parents experienced stress from online learning during the quarantine. Since neither schools nor universities were ready for it, the transition took place in an emergency mode, and the quality of education in most cases left much to be desired. However, there were also advantages: circumstances induced professors from the most prestigious universities in the world, outstanding educators and all the teachers of the planet to invest their creative and professional potential in online education.

Currently the online education market is very diverse - these are massive open online courses , general educational platforms, b2b solutions , educational mobile applications and computer games, tools for video conferencing, virtual lessons with teachers and much more. Within the framework of the formation and development of a single educational space, information support, efficient use of information and communication technologies in all types of educational activities are of particular significance. It should be noted that effective management of the industry is possible only if there is created a unified national information and educational environment, educational institutions are equipped with electronic teaching aids and telecommunications means of access to information and educational resources .

The most important direction in the development of a unified educational information space in higher educational institutions implies the use of information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process, including creation and implementation of modern electronic means of information technology support and development of the educational process along with traditional methods and teaching aids in the educational process, as well as educating the personnel able to effectively use the most advanced information technologies in their professional performance. Moreover, it should be noted, that the beginning of the XXI century is distinguished by the active growth of scientific knowledge and, as a consequence, rapid development of various industries. The processes of globalization, which makes an impact on all spheres of human activity results in the integration of the world economy and international cooperation in many areas of industry, science, culture.

In general, nowadays in the world practice of e-learning, there is a steady trend of increasingly extensive use of open network information services in the educational process. Sometimes this is due to and the imperative of the time, when in the recent past, due to the pandemic spread, educational institutions of all levels have been forced to switch to distance education (e-learning) and organize their activities through the various online platforms available. This causes the fact that the very concept of “e-learning” is increasingly being replaced by the concept of “Cloud learning”.

As an example, it is possible to mention a popular open online service that are currently used in e-learning tasks - nearpod.com - an online platform that allows teachers to create presentations for their classes and share them with students right during the lesson by giving them an access code and there is an opportunity to participate in sessions from different and any platform: iOS, Android, Windows Phone.

The list of information and communication innovations that are used in elearning is constantly updated with new services, both stand -alone and built-in into modern e-learning environments and education management systems. It seems fair to say that these areas of innovation have made a significant impact on the modernization and rethinking of various aspects of current education, enhanced the creative activity of teachers and instructors enabling them to use with new tools for teaching and managing the educational process. The problem of choosing an assessment technique of knowledge digestion is essential and significant when executing the standard of an educational program. In this regard, currently the question of how to more accurately and more fairly determine this quality is considered to be is relevant. For the formation of a successful and objective approach, it is substantial that the system of monitoring students’ knowledge is diverse: focused on testing knowledge and skills, mastering professional competencies, as well as identifying students’ creative abilities and their integral personal and associated emotional attitude to the subjects studied. The test is a short, standardized test designed to provide an objective quantitative assessment of learning outcomes. Tests can be either done on special paper forms or computerized, i.e. using information technology, remote access and communication technologies. Testing is the process of determining the quality of students’ knowledge through test materials. Computer testing represents an essential form of testing, which, on the one hand, can minimize the amount of printed forms used during testing, and, on the other hand, bring an innovative component to the activities of an educational institution. Computer tests are done either offline with a connection to the internal network of an educational institution, or online with an Internet connection.

Internet - testing is one of the most important forms of quality control of educating specialists, which makes it possible to fairly reliably estimate the volume of learned educational and scientific information. Internet tests are the system of tasks specially arranged and aimed not only at determining the level of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, but also at identifying a range of topics that cause difficulties, at determining deep causes of errors, both real ones made in the testing process and potential ones that can be committed by students in the future, in the changed conditions of control. The use of such a tool for studying disciplines of the professional cycle and urgent control of students’ knowledge is considered to be an efficient tool that enhances motivation of students. The online testing system is a universal tool for determining the quality of student preparation at all levels of the educational process, which, in addition to its undeniable advantages, has its drawbacks as well .

A unified testing system enables to combine test tasks from various academic

subjects within the same block or subjects of the same thematic focus. Creation of

tests at a high methodological level requires an instructor to develop a clear

conceptual and terminological structure of the course, i.e. tables of tested concepts

and theses, structured by topics and sections of the curriculum of the academic subject. Such development, along with the academic curriculum represents an independent methodological material for assuring the quality of teaching. In addition, at the macro level it enables to eliminate duplication of topics in academic subjects in educational professional programs. Each student has the opportunity to find out and influence his or her and st udents with disabilities can remotely download materials and prepare for the final control. In general, tests motivate students to learn. The problem of student attendance is one of the most topical problems of current educational technologies. Students have an opportunity to study at home, and the need to attend lectures is reduced and opportunities for inclusive learning are expanding.

Online testing is a significant step towards the development of a methodology

for monitoring the assimilation of educational material by students. The introduction of testing enables smooth transition from subjective and largely intuitive assessments to objective, substantiated methods of assessing learning outcomes.

However, like any other pedagogical innovation, this step should be carried out on

a strictly scientific basis, relying on the results of pedagogical experiments and scientific research. Testing should not replace traditional methods of pedagogical control, but should only supplement them to some extent. According to the research results the following conclusions can be made:

to conduct practical classes with each student individually, but they always provide

an opportunity for their students to learn to think more globally. This can be done

precisely with the help of test items and online testing.

extent meets the internal request of the student in such an educational process organization when he accomplishes educational assignments under conditions of his usual multimedia environment.

  1. The majority of higher educational institutions do not have the opportunity
  2. An address to the Internet, which use in the educational process to a large
  3. Moreover, it is the application of tests in real time that currently holds one

of the leading places among e-learning technologies for students, making the

learning process not only efficient, meeting the requirements of a rapidly changing

external environment, but also interesting and even exciting.


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