This article discusses the use of interactive training courses, their features, differences from ordinary training courses. The article also develops a model of a multimedia interactive e-learning course and discusses its advantages
Reforming learning process in the education system, creating new teaching methods based on the latest information technologies, spreading them widely in great demand nowadays[1].
In the education system the process of willing to modernize the educational institutions with the latest information technologies gives way for the creation of interactive e-learning courses[2].
Modernizing, of course requires creating new modern learning tools. The creation of e-learning guides nowadays can be example of the same. And nowadays there is a high demand for the learning process to be conducted by an interactive e-learning courses.
Main part
Interactive E-Learning Courses – are meant for the use of learning method based on the computer technologies, educating oneself independently, as well as the best acquisition of subject related learning materials, scientific information:
- Learning scientific materials only in text format;
- Learning materials in text and two-dimensional graphic format;
- Multimedia applications in which information is in three-dimensional graphic format, in audio, video, animation and text format;
- With the help of a tactile feature, which enables the learner to enter the real world of stereo copies in front of a computer screen and will create imagination towards the objects in it.
Interactive E-Learning Course – universal software which allows for the automation of learning methods of particular professional activity or types of information or information processing[3].
Interactive E-Learning Courses have the following features:
- Training material explained on a particular field of knowledge.
- Training material described at a level of modern achievements of science, technology and culture.
- The educational material is described systematically in the textbooks, that is, it describes the whole completed work, which consists of many elements of meaningful relation and connection, ensuring the integrity of the textbook.
In our opinion, the features of interactive e-learning courses that differ from ordinary training courses are:
- Every Interactive E-Learning Course describes the certain initial and final degree of teaching process. Interactive E-Learning Course can contain material of different levels of complexity in a particular subject. In this case they will keep multiple tasks to test their knowledge in an interactive order for each level.
- In an Interactive E-Learning Course demonstration is higher than the ordinary learning. In an Interactive E-Learning Courses demonstration is provided with animations, sound tracking, hyperlinks, videos and other multimedia technologies.
- Interactive E-Learning Course provides versatility, multi-levelness and diversity of test assignments. Interactive E-Learning Course allows all assignments and tests to be interactive and given to the instructor in an ordinary manner. A clear answer can be achieved through explanations and comments during an ambiguous response.
- No printing work is performed in creation and distribution of Interactive E-Learning Course. Interactive E-Learning Courses are open system in their structure. During usage they can be replenished and improved.
- Interactive E-Learning Course’s approach to learners is higher than an ordinary learning course. When demand for Interactive E-Learning Course increases its number can easily be increased and it can be delivered through the network.
In our opinion Interactive E-Learning Courses have the following features:
- Facilitates comprehension by conveying the material being studied through an inductive approach to traditional learning courses through exposure to auditory and emotional memory.
- Adapted to the needs, level of preparation, intellectual capabilities of students.
- Eliminates complex calculations and substitutions allowing you to review a large amount of information and assignments and solve more practical problems focusing on the essence of the subject.
- Provides wide range of opportunities for self-examination at all stages of learning.
- Allows the work to be neatly, clearly drawn up and handed over to the teacher in a file or print on paper.
- Performs the function of an experienced teacher by providing unlimited explanations, countless repetitions, reminders.
Interactive E-Learning Course provides the following convenient opportunities for practical training in specialized classrooms:
- will be free to perform a large number of tasks using computer support, to analyze solutions and their graphical interpretation
- gives an opportunity for the teacher to participate in the form of independent work in front of a computer, participating as a guide and consultant
- allows the teacher to quickly and effectively control the knowledge of students using a computer
- teacher is given an opportunity to provide theoretical and practical materials that are small in size but very important in content, so that students can work independently on issues that can be studied outside the classroom
- relieves the teacher of hard work such as checking homework, various calculations and control tasks
- allows individualization of work with students, especially in the field of homework and control tasks
An interactive e-learning course is not only a course, but also a completely didactic, methodological and interactive programming system. Didactic aspects are based on the general norms of the learning process, while methodological aspects are related to the conduct of the teaching process based on a specific order[5].
An interactive e-learning course can basically include a chapter of a textbook, a reference, assignments, or lab-practice sessions. In this case, the interactive e-learning course should be of a complete set on a floppy disk with a textbook section[6]. If the textbook has a description of the data, the floppy disk will provide options for using various programs[7].
In addition, the interactive e-learning course should serve as a facilitator, based on the verification of acquired knowledge, have a retrieval database, mathematical and simulation modeling using computer visualization, and have service functions that meet the conditions of interactive feedback.
First of all, we can cite the placement of information on the screen in the desired order, the coloring of key elements, the use of "user-friendly tools" and so on when completing the task of learning practice using an interactive e-learning course[8].
Secondly, the student performs some manual operations using a variety of service functions. As a result, the task is accelerated. In this way the learning process is organized without excessive difficulties for the student[9].
Multimedia Interactive E-Learning Course not only facilitates the day-to-day use of functions for the teacher, but also increases interest in the subject, speeds up the learning process, and ensures better mastery of knowledge[10].
Figure 1. An overview of Multimedia Interactive E-Learning Course
Multimedia based learning can save up to 30% of time and the knowledge gained will be stored in memory for a long time. If students receive the given materials on the basis of viewing (video), the retention of information will increase by 25-30%. In addition, when learning materials are presented in an audio, video, and graphical form the retention of materials increases by 75%.
Teaching students through multimedia has the following advantages:
a) there is a possibility of deeper and more complete assimilation of the given materials;
b) the desire to communicate more closely with new areas of education will increase;
c) achieving an opportunity to save time as a result of reduced training time;
d) the acquired knowledge is stored in a person's memory for a long time and can be used in practice when necessary.
To develop multimedia applications in interactive presentations various programs are used - such as Divector, Tool Book, Visual Basic, Power Point, Flash.
Of course, in some cases special technical and programming support will be required, but minimal programming support is sufficient for the user.
But the endless possibilities of multimedia remain “dangerous” at times. For example, the use of sound effects unnecessarily leads to additional costs. In presentations, multimedia should only be used where it is needed and where it is effective. This is why multimedia applications can be used in cases that complement traditional methods to solve specific problems. For starters, it is sometimes advisable to create computer presentations based on instructional multimedia applications[11].
Computer presentations allow you to use various pictures, video clips, stereo sound, color images in a series of multimedia resources.