Early Childhood Education Method
DOI: 10.21070/ijemd.v9i1.546

Modern Methods of Preparing the children on Preschool Educational Organizations

Taylak district of Samarkand region Teacher of the 31st school
Taylak district of Samarkand region Teacher of the 31st school

(*) Corresponding Author

Modern Methods Preparing Children Preschool Educational Organizations


This paper makes analyses of the modern methods of preparing the children on Preschool educational organizations. On these cases, different research points of the innovative research were mentioned on preschool educational organizations. It concludes with the different research analyses to make better investigations in further


As stated in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 30, 2017 "On Measures for the Perfection of Management of the Pre-school Education System" Preschool Education is the primary element of the system of continuous education. It is important for the preparation and training of a healthy and harmoniously developed child. In line with the Decree, a modern program for the educational process will strengthen the material and technical base for further improvement of the system of preschool education, expand the network of preschool educational institutions, provide qualified pedagogical staff and radically improve the level of preparation of children for school education. and the introduction of technology, creating conditions for the comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic and physical development of children.

Main objectives

The main objectives of the program are to create conditions for the intellectual and moral aesthetic and physical development of children, taking into account the best international practices. State pre-school education sets out the requirements for preschool education, such as comprehensive development of preschool education, training, skills development and preparation for school education. The knowledge, skills and abilities of children, their comprehensive development and preparation for school education are determined by monitoring, learning, analyzing, and evaluating the performance of indicators in the conduct of activities and activities required by state requirements. The task of fostering preschool children is determined based on their age and characteristics, based on their personal goals. The comprehensive development of a child of preschool age is a complex of physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic education. The lessons are conducted under the guidance of an educator, the educator informs children about new knowledge and strengthens the acquired knowledge. Provides practical lessons for children. The content of the training material is gradually complicated. Therefore, exercise is important in preparing children for school. Through training, children acquire learning skills and become self-sufficient. They develop such skills as sustained focus, willpower, and attention. Particularly important in team-based learning is that children are actively influenced by each other in their collaborative activities, giving them the opportunity to show their initiative. When a child is asked to work hard, they feel a sense of togetherness and a sense of community. Excursions, résumés, make-up, playing common dance games, listening to artwork, and learning experiences can help create a united team of children to work together and live together.

In the United Kingdom, teaching is generally aimed at the child, not the subject or teacher being taught. This approach is based on the history of English education and has been influenced by Russo, Frebel, and Montessori. They believe that it is necessary to develop the child's individuality and protect their independence. The main goals of preschool education are to meet the needs and interests of each child and to respect the differences between children. It is thought that it is intrinsically motivated, inquisitive, and naturally inspiring. Teaching should take place during the child's play. The teacher's main task is not to teach the child, but to provide him with various materials to support the game and to do research. In preschool, children are taught to read and write songs, to sing, to dance, to dance, and the youngest to perform small motor exercises, to play abstract thinking games. they help each other develop the skills of cooperation.


They also learn color separation, numbers and letters. Educators at MDCs believe that meaningful play - drawing games, drawing and drawing - is a useful way to diagnose both child development and mental development. One of the main aspects of child rearing in the United States is that of treating a child as an adult. The child is a person and should listen and respect his opinion. Of course, it should be directed, but not by command, but by explaining what is good and what is bad.

Activities are the main form of education in kindergartens. The exercise is to inform the educator of the children with the general knowledge and skills they need.


The educator provides day-to-day education of children: enriches their knowledge, develops various skills and skills such as cultural, hygienic, behavioral culture, speech, counting and acting.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that studying foreign educational systems of foreign countries allows analyzing their best practices and elaboration of concrete measures to adapt them to the conditions of the Republic.


  1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 30, 2017 N UP-5198 "On measures to radically improve the management of preschool education" // www.lex.uz
  2. Journal of Modern Education. Issue 11, 2017
  3. Journal of preschool education. 2016 Issue 7